6 Local Brands Which Do Hand-Woven & Breathable Face Masks For As Low As Rs 30
Nowadays, one cannot possibly imagine heading out without a face mask, but the ones available in the market often make it difficult to breathe, and the sweltering heat makes it even worse. However, there are several local brands who have jumped the bandwagon of making hand-woven breathable face masks and here’s everything you need to know about them.
1. Okhai.Org

Okhai.Org is offering hand-embroidered masks that are made by rural artisans across India. They use cotton to create masks that come in a variety of designs, colours and are available for just 100 bucks! Apart from this, they also offer an expansive collection of vibrant apparels and modish accessories.
Price | Rs 100 Onwards
Shop Online Here | https://okhai.org/apps/omega-search/?q=masks
Here’s Their Website | https://okhai.org/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/OkhaiIndia/
2. FabAlley

This webstore aims to provide cutting edge fashion at affordable prices, and now they’ve come up with whimsical cotton face masks that are lightweight and are extremely comfortable even if you wear it for a long period of time. The masks are reusable, made in a 3-ply design and ideal for every occasion as well as day to day wear.
Price | Rs 200 Onwards
Shops Online Here | https://www.faballey.com/search?search=masks
Here’s Their Website | https://www.faballey.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/FabAlley/
3. Khadi

Khadi has introduced face masks in cotton and silk that are sold for as low as Rs 30! These masks are double-layered and come in three sizes - small, medium and large. The printed ones are priced at Rs 100, and the minimum amount for delivery is Rs 500, where your order will be delivered within a week!
Price | Rs 30 Onwards
Shops Online Here | https://www.kviconline.gov.in/khadimask/
Skim Through Their Insta Feed | https://www.instagram.com/kvicindia/
4. NEST By Arpit Agarwal

NEST By Arpit Agarwal is inspired by the culture and crafts of North East India, while the reusable cotton masks is a collaboration between this brand and an impact-driven workshop in Guwahati called “Swahlee”. These breezy masks are 3-layered and made locally. Order away these masks and go vocal for local with this ah-mazing brand.
Price | Rs 449 Onwards
Shops Online Here | https://nestbyarpitagarwal.com/collections/reusable-cotton-masks
Here’s Their Website | https://nestbyarpitagarwal.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/NEstbyArpitAgarwal/
5. Tjori

Tjori brings to you an eccentric handcrafted collection and unique designs from across the globe, making it a one-stop solution for all your shopping needs! They’ve got medical-grade N95 printed cotton masks that come with a HEPA filter, protective layer, structured layers, microfilter and soft layers that are skin-friendly and will provide full protection against viruses.
Price | Rs 395 Onwards
Shops Online Here | https://www.tjori.com/living/3-ply-face-mask/
Here’s Their Website | https://www.tjori.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/tjori.designs/
6. FableStreet

This Delhi-based brand is offering sustainable, sterilised, ethically produced masks with upcycled fabrics and comes in a range of summer hues and prints, wherein a pack of four is priced at Rs 495. With comfy ear loops and large face coverings, these masks do the work while making sure that you are comfortable.
Price | Rs 495
Shops Online Here | https://www.fablestreet.com/mask
Here’s Their Website | https://www.fablestreet.com/
Check Out Their FB Page | https://www.facebook.com/fablestreet/
So, folks, support local brands and shop for breezy, breathable masks from these awesome labels and you won’t be disappointed!