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6 Fun Workout Routines You Can Easily Do At Home To Stay Fit During Lockdown


With the gyms and parks closed, all you health freaks must be thinking about how to keep up with your workout routines and follow a healthy lifestyle. Well, to make it easier for y’all, we’ve rounded up a list of 6 fun workout routines that you can do at home to stay fit and fine, ‘cause, health is the real wealth, no?

1. Zumba

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Zumba is an enjoyable workout that helps you burn up to 1,000 calories in just an hour! Along with this, it tones your body, helps you maintain your heart health, improves coordination and helps you de-stress. So, put on a Zumba routine online, amp up that music, and dance it out! 

2. Hula Hoop

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Who says Hula Hoops are just for the kiddos? This simple equipment will boost your health while making the experience a fun one! This workout will challenge your core muscles, improve your balance, works on your lower body muscles and boosts your cardiovascular fitness, so find the right-sized hoop and get going!

3. Dance

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Picture Credits: aninditaneogykathak

“When in doubt, dance it out!”, we sure live by this quote, what about you? Dance is the answer to all your problems, it increases endurance, motor fitness, aerobic fitness, agility, flexibility and helps you in weight management. We recommend starting your day with some bhangra moves to stay energized with a smile on your face throughout!

4. Yoga 

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Picture Credits: yoganama

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that’ll help you attain physical and mental discipline. It can be done by all age groups and is a great way to bond with the fam as well! Yoga will help you with flexibility, strength, balance, de-stress and relaxation. Begin your journey with yoga today and you’ll see the difference if you do it regularly.

5. Rope Skipping

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Picture Credits: youmebeijing

As kids, we used to indulge in rope skipping almost every day, and now that we’re under self-quarantine, why not bring that playful time back? Rope skipping can help you burn calories super fast, improves bone density, improves breathing efficiency, increases your memory and makes you mentally alert.

6. Surya Namaskar

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Picture Credits: kaalp.nik

Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 yoga poses, that is best done early in the morning and empty stomach. It helps in stretching, strengthens the immune system, enhances cognitive functions and relaxes the mind. However, to get the best out of this one, make sure you do it regularly!

There goes our list of fun workout routines, follow it and y’all will definitely thank us later!
