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5 Times Dafni's Revolutionary Hair Straightening Brush Came To Our Last Minute Rescue!

So Delhi 24 Sept 2017


Who runs the world? GIRLS! Who ruins their lives? The never-on-point hair! That might sound a little over-dramatic, but the girls out there HAVE to agree to the fact that never has their hair behaved as they expected! We mean, no way is our hair bouncy and shiny three days post our last hair wash. And don’t get us started on what happens to our hair right before we need to go out! 

But then, we have an angel in our lives called Dafni that has sworn to make the lives of women better around the world and came up with the Dafni Hair Straightening Brush! And if you’ve ever been caught up in the following situations, then you can thank us later for introducing you to this!

1. Those Pesky Bad Hair Day

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Huh, been there and sometimes are still there! People don’t have a bad hair day, they have a good hair day, MAYBE four or five times a year! But then some days are worse than bad and those hair days make us wish to crawl back into the depth of our beds! But why fear when Dafni is here! The awesome and damn easy Straightening Ceramic Brush is the answer to all those bad hair day woes. 

2. The Impromptu Dates

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What are the chances of scoring a date with the guy you’ve been eyeing for months on the day your luscious locks are totally en-pointe? Zero! But the moment the frizziness is at its peak, bam you get a new message - “Let’s meet for coffee today?”. We mean dear lord have mercy! But like we said an angel in the form of Dafni comes to the rescue at such times. Wave the straightener brush and in 10 minutes, you’re date ready!

3. The Blackmailed-Into Family Meet-ups

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The one place we all swear to not even get caught dead at (or at least not willingly) - family get togethers! But then, aren't our parents the best emotional blackmailers in history? So when you’re being forced into something you’d rather not go for, you might as well show up in style! Get you Dafni ceramic brushes out and make an entry!

4. Those Fun & Breezy Evening Outs 

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No one really cares about how they look when they are amongst friends BUT we all have that one friend who’s perfectly put together hair makes you try JUST a little hard to get your hair right! So instead of working hard, we have a better solution - the Dafni straightener brush needs to be whipped out and your perfect locks will be accomplished in a jiffy!

5. The Holiday Hair Fuss

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You’re out for the holidays and the nice evenings make you wanna dress up and be all pretty but as always, your hair refuses to cooperate! But then, why fret when we have Dafni Go that’s the handiest straightener ever! Occupies less space and is just as effective - this travel-handy brush is the best gift you can buy for yourself! #HairGoals

We’re sure there are more catastrophic situations where you’d need this magic wand *just get the metaphor*, so why wait for them to happen, get it already!

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