5 Things Every Delhiite Has Said At Least Once When They’re Asked To Party In HKV
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There was a time when Hauz Khas Village AKA apna HKV was the ultimate destination for all the party animals in the city. But then a plethora of clubs and bars opened in CP, GK and Gurgaon and somehow the good ol’ HKV lost its charm. This place was once the most happening hub in Delhi but now the same people (read - South Delhiites) who used to jump in joy at the mere mention of partying in HKV, simply avoid going there altogether. Here are a few thoughts that cross every Delhiites’ mind now when they hear the name of Hauz Khas Village!
1. “Who Goes To HKV Anymore? It's So Last Year & Totally Tacky”

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HKV was the ‘IT’ party place once upon a time but then it attracted crowds from all over the city and became ‘totally tacky’ and ‘so last year’. There was a time when you’d find Delhi’s jet-setting crowd partying the night away at the amazing lounges or bars here but then more and more people got to know about this place and consequently, it got super packed at all times, which basically made it lose its charm. So yeah, this place is defo last year!
2. HKV Is So Shady, You Can't Even Trust The Liquor There!”

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Okay, we really don’t need to re-state the fact that HKV is now officially shady AF! Creepy people, weird new places opening every day and the booze served here isn’t even worth trusting anymore. Okay, we might not be totally rational here but that’s not the point, the thing is that this place is officially going down on our list of party places and it’s not coming up anytime soon!
3. “You’re Hosting A Party In Hauz Khas Village? What’s Wrong With You?”

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If you still think it’s okay to host a party in HKV, then we need to check if you’ve been living under a rock! There’s no way you’d find a South Delhiite hosting a party in Hauz Khas Village now. The place has become overrated and makes you wonder what we loved about it so much in the first place. Damn you Tamasha for popularising this place so darn much!
4. “Can We Instead Go To GK, CP, Gurgaon Or ANYWHERE ELSE?”

Picture Credits: Manhattan Bar Exchange
Oh yes, HKV was all fun and cool BUT we’d rather go to GK or CP or Gurgaon and have a great time. Imperfecto, Local, Molecule Air Bar, Farzi Cafe, HUDBA, Sirocco, PCO, Manhattan Bar Exchange and the list can go on and on, these parts of the city are always buzzing with new pubs & bars and we’re always keen to check out new places every time, so thanks but no thanks HKV!
5. “Is It Even Safe To Go To HKV Nowadays?”

With the type of crowd that comes to HKV now, this one’s a legit question. How safe is it for you and your girlfriends to party while you drink the night away here? Not so sure anymore. If you ask any Dilli wala, they’re sure to ask you this question and seeing the drastic change that has taken place here in the past couple of years, this concern is quite valid!
So, did we hit the nail right on the head or did we miss out on something? Tell us in the comments below!