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5 Relatable Thoughts Every Single Person Has Had While On The Delhi Metro

Disha Agrawal 25 Sept 2020


Raise your hands if you miss the Delhi Metro a bit too much. From being a means of transport to connecting all of us as Delhiites, the Delhi Metro made its way into our lives in no time. As we go down memory lane, we’ve penned down some then-annoying and now nostalgic moments on the Delhi metro - take a look and laugh along with us!

1. *When You’re Forced To Overhear Aunty Gang Gossip* “I Knew It! Mrs Sharma’s Whole Life Is A Lie!”

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Fret not if you ever forget to bring your earphones. There is no dearth of entertainment on the metro as there is plenty of TV-soap worthy gossip to be had. You know you’re in the right seat if you can take a sneak-peak into the life of Mrs Sharma as described by the aunty-gang beside you!

2. *When Someone Who Just Boarded The Metro Gets A Seat, While You’ve Been Standing There For Half An Hour* “Aren’t There Any Rules To This Game?!”

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Yes guys, we know. Finding a seat on the metro is nothing less than a game of musical chairs, but still! How unfair is it that some of us travel to and fro without getting a seat and some people get one as soon as they enter? The fault in our stars, maybe?!

3. *When Couples Fight Over The Phone* “Yes Anjali, Rahul Is A Cheater!” 

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On the metro, it is not uncommon to find people shouting into their phones, especially couples who are right smack in the middle of a flaming spat. But isn’t it unfair that you get to hear only one side of the conversation and you can’t make an unbiased decision *sigh*?! 

4. *When You Miss The Metro By 10 Seconds And The Next Metro Arrives In Not Less Than 10 Minutes* “If Only I Had Run A Bit Faster!”

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How unlucky could you be to miss a metro by 10 seconds? Prolly very! You had calculated the exact time it would take to reach the office with the precision of a drill sergeant, however, those few seconds took you down! There, there - you have our sympathies!

5. *When The Door Is Just About To Close* “Will The Door Squeeze Me Into A Pulp Me If I Take That Leap Of Faith?”

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Every Delhiite has at least once had this experience when the metro has been standing there with its doors open for too long. Then you’re forced to wonder if this is a conspiracy to trap you between the door or will you be able to make it to the other end. And you think to yourself, “But the beep sound for the closing of the doors is still on”. And only if your stars are aligned, may you board the coach in one piece! For all those times, we wish you the best of luck, folks!

We took the metro a little for granted, didn’t we? What are your thoughts on this? 
