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5 Reasons Why Ice Bakery (Read Nutella Land) Is A Warm Hug After A Long Day @ Work

Mehar Luthra 12 Sept 2017


Sandwiched between two mom & pop stores right dab in the middle of the only lively spot in an otherwise reclusive colony, Ice Bakery arrived with much pomp and smears of Nutella in Panchsheel! A bold red sign overhanging a petite little bakery-cum-gelato place, we were lured in by the smell of fresh waffles being warmed. 

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Following the sights and sounds, we made our way in, only to gasp in delight! What first hits you as you walk into Ice, is two cutie-patootie tables (or stools rather) that are shaped like heavenly bottles of Nutella - screw top and all! And those two tables define the entire ambience of the place - there's Nutella EVERYWHERE! On top of fresh waffles, ringed on cupcakes AND filling little plastic pouches and dainty miniature bottles - the place is your 'Nutella Land', so to speak, and we loved every chocolaty inch.

Putting our best forks forward, we happily gushed and milled about, and finally after choosing our fave peppy track on the helpful little screen that lets you choose your own music, our Nutella feast commenced with a fury! Here's what we sampled:

1. Bubble Gum Gelato

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Having already given our flurry of orders for whole heaps of waffles, we decided to indulge in a scoop (or five) of the gelato proudly displayed. Fearing an onslaught of chocolate about to descend on us, we chose their more unusual variant of Bubble Gum flavour. Let us tell you, when they say 'bubble gum', they MEAN bubble gum! You'll be swallowing creamy scoops of liquid, frozen bubble gum (or at least it felt like that!). Amazingly refreshing, this one!

Price | Rs 100

2. Nutella Waffle With Marshmallows, Oreos & Ice Cream

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Going in for the kill, we started off our waffle frenzy with the most beloved - Nutella Waffles! Piping hot and fresh from the waffle iron, our fluffy waffle was first doused with oodles of gooey Nutella, sprinkled with rainbow sprinkles, cutie-pie baby pink marshmallows and crumbled up Oreo bits. The verdict - tight waistlines, happy bellies and a mile-wide grin stretching ear-to-ear!

Price | Rs 120 Onwards

3. Nutella Cupcake

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A warm, moist muffin came piled with enormous masses of Nutella artfully splayed in a cutesy frill topped with a big-ass hazelnut. Bite in, and you'll feel the weight of your long, weary work day lifting off your shoulders and flying away! Delicious to the last, we don't mind coming back here JUST for the Nutella Cupcake alone.

Price | Rs 90

4. Cinnamon Butter Waffle With Whipped Cream & Bananas

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Oozing butter with some traces of cinnamon (the waffles could have used a lot more cinnamon TBH), our Cinnamon Butter Waffle arrived in all its glory, covered with freshly sliced bananas and accompanied by a hearty puddle of fresh whipped cream. Plunging our hungry forks in again and again, we polished off every last crumb unashamedly!

Price | Rs 120 Onwards

5. Nutty Butty Chocolate Brownie

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Now this one came in its own individual jar, and had layers of crumbly brownie topped with cream between each layer and filled up to the brim. We weren’t TOO impressed with this one, as the brownie itself seemed a tad dry, but it’ll make for a good snack to grab while you’re on the go!

Price | Rs 50

All in all, this cutesy little bakery is the perfect pit stop after work where you can indulge in a lil chocolate therapy and a hot side of gossip with your BFF. Come on by, hungry bellies and wide grins in tow!

Location | Shop 2, Panchsheel Enclave Market, Panchsheel Enclave
Here's Their FB Page |
