2 Routes, 6 Bars, 1 Massive After-Party! The BIG Delhi Bar Crawl is Here
All you tipple lovers, Instabounce, VH1 and Truly Madly have joined forces to put forward a legendary bar crawl at 6 smashing bars in town!
These guys have split up the crawl in 2 groups - the Hootchers and Sloshers. If you are Whiskey/Vodka lovers then you hop aboard the Hootchers express. Join the Sloshers’ party if you fancy summery cocktails!
When you're done partying at your respective bars then both the gangs will merge for a crazy after party. Friday night just got sorted! *wink*
Hootchers | F Bar in CP, Hotmess in CP & Cafe Public Connection in CP
Sloshers | Groghead in Green Park, Tabula Beach Cafe in Khel Gaon & No Filter in SDA
When | 20th May
Timings | 8 PM Onwards
Charges | Rs 1500
Book Your Spots | http://www.instabounce.in/TheBIGDelhiBarCrawl/