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14 Dos & Don'ts That You Must Know And Follow Regarding The Novel Coronavirus

Manya Wats 29 Mar 2020


Hey, Delhiizens! Hope you’re staying indoors and taking care of yourselves and your fam. In light of the ongoing health crisis, we thought we’d help you guys out by listing down some simple dos and don’ts that you can bookmark. Spread the word and let these guidelines come in handy. Read on, people!


1. Social Distancing

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The first and foremost thing that we should all do scrupulously is social distancing. We cannot stress enough on this one as it is the only way of breaking the cycle and flattening the curve. The fight against Coronavirus starts with us staying put in our homes and avoiding any unnecessary travel or social interaction. And now that the entire country is on lockdown, we all should follow the instructions laid down by the authorities and do our part in getting rid of this pandemic!

2. Maintain A Minimum Gap Of 6 Feet

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Picture Credits: KumariRukshmani

If by any chance you’re required to go out for grocery shopping or buying essential commodities, since we know these things are unavoidable, you must maintain a gap of at least 6 feet between yourself and other people. This way you’re at less risk and chances of contracting the virus are significantly low. If you find anyone coughing or sneezing, maintain this distance as health experts believe that respiratory secretions from COVID-19 can’t travel beyond this distance.

3. Wash Your Hands Frequently

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If you’re not doing this already, then you need to get cracking now! Get up and go wash your hands. Everyone needs to thoroughly cleanse themselves frequently, with soap and water, for a minimum of 20 seconds. It’s also advised that you carry a sanitizer with you at all times if you’re stepping out. Good personal hygiene is another key factor in winning the fight against this virus.

4. Cover Your Mouth & Nose While Coughing Or Sneezing

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Now this is basic etiquette that we must follow no matter what. If you’re coughing or sneezing, always cover your mouth and nose either with a napkin or if you don’t have one nearby, you can sneeze or cough in your elbow as this is the body part that we least touch. You can also wear a mask if you’re taking care of someone infected with the disease.

5. Clean Or Sanitize Everything

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Picture Credits: shoplionels

Another thing that you can do is clean everything that you touch frequently. From doorknobs, switches, TV remotes, surfaces, or anything else, you need to wipe them with a disinfectant and make sure everything is clean.

6. Take Vitamins & Supplements To Build Your Immunity

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You oughtta include essential vitamin supplements like B12, D3, Vitamin C in your diet. These vitamins will help you build your immunity and we all know, strong immunity goes a long way and keeps diseases at bay! 

7. Pay Attention To Only Valid Information

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During times like these, there’s a lot of misinformation going around. It’s important for you to learn to discern between what’s true and what’s been put out there to mislead you. Refer to only valid sources for any information and don’t believe everything you read or see on TV, internet and social media. A thorough and quick fact-check is necessary before you pass on the data to someone else.

8. Show Empathy

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Picture Credits: treetdogsofbombay

In such distressing times, all of us need to stay home, even our house-helps. Encourage them to stay indoors and help them in whatever way you can for their health and safety. Also, you can feed the stray dogs who’re looking for hoomans to feed them. Since fewer people are going out, the doggos can’t scavenge food for themselves. A lil help and act of empathy will go a long way!

9. Contact Government Helplines

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In case you require any help or any emergency services, you should always contact the government helpdesk. They’re available on WhatsApp at +91 9013 151 515. The national helpline for India is +91 11 2397 8046 or you can also place your call on the toll-free number 1075.


1. Social Closening

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Picture Credits: alv_diaries

We all love to go out, party, meet new people but this is not the time to do so. Avoid social gatherings and advise people to refrain from doing the same Social distancing now will help us in the coming years and will ensure our health and safety. Social closening is not the way forward and will only make us helpless, so don’t indulge in it if you can help it!

2. Eating Out

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We all love to eat out, trying new dishes and giving our tastebuds a flavourful blast. However, it’s imperative that you avoid outside food as much as possible. Even if you find some vendors that are open for business, avoid eating and maintain your hygiene levels. Stay in and relish home-cooked food instead.

3. Meeting The Elderly

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The elderly are at a much higher risk of contracting the disease. They usually have lower immunity and need to be extra careful about this. If you’re meeting an aged person, make sure you take all the necessary precautions.

4. Touching Your Face

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Another thing that you’re not supposed to do is touch your face! COVID-19 spreads through oral and nasal openings and when you touch your face, you become more prone to the infection. This is why washing your hands regularly is so important. 

5. No Panicking

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In situations like these, it’s fairly easy to panic. Even the best of us lose our cool and start frantically running from pillar to post and overthink way too much. For moments such as these, talk to someone or seek help from a counsellor and don’t get alarmed or anxious. We’re all in this together and things will be back to normal soon.

The need of the hour is that we do our bit meticulously and soon, this pall of uncertainty and fear will dissipate. Stay safe and take care.

For More Information |
Check Out WHO’s Website |
Helpline Numbers |
+91 9013 151 515, +91 11 2397 8046 & 1075
