10 Annoying Driving Habits, Like Overtaking From The Left & Honking, Delhiites Are Notorious For!
If you’re a true blue Delhiite, then you sure as hell know what driving in this thoroughly unapologetic, chaotic city means! Be it loud music, jumping traffic signals or blocking traffic over the most invisible of scratches, we all have literally seen and fallen victim to these annoying driving habits since time immemorial. Whether you love or hate driving, you know that a lot of Delhiites lack basic civic sense and need a remedial class in driving etiquette, and so here’s a list of 10 annoying AF driving habits everybody should just say NO to!
1. Elbowing Ahead From The Left

Every time we’re in a hurry to reach on time for an important morning meeting with our boss, we all partake in this nasty habit of overtaking from the left and risking our lives! Every individual whose life revolves around the ever present Delhi traffic has witnessed this practice innumerable times. It’s high time we learnt the proper way of overtaking - guys, ALWAYS overtake from the right (pretty please?)!
2. Taking Red Lights As Just Mere Suggestions

There’s absolutely no way we could’ve left this one off the list! Even if the wait is of a mere 10 seconds, people just DO NOT stop for a red light if there’s no traffic policeman around watching with beady eyes. Not only is this dangerous (red lights were invented for a reason, people), it’s also ILLEGAL and you could even get your license suspended, so for the love of God, STAPPP!
3. Making Sure Everyone In The Vicinity Hears Your ‘DJ Waley Babu’

Okay, so this one’s our guilty pleasure and we’ve all done it, whether you agree or not! Playing loud music while driving gives us an inexplicable adrenaline rush, thereby making us sing our hearts out. But what we don’t realise is that it’s one of the root causes of noise pollution and even distracts fellow drivers. So turn your woofers down a notch, y’all!
4. Believing That Following Speed Limits Is For The Weak (Facepalm)

Of course, we can pretty much hear everyone’s thoughts resonate the same sentiment, ‘Been there, done that’, on this one. If there’s an empty road, we don’t ever miss the opportunity to press our accelerators just a tad bit harder and go zip zap zoom on the city’s roads. There’s no need to drive rashly and break the law as it can be a potential cause for an accident. Drive responsibly, guys!
5. Shouting ‘Tu Janta Nahi Mera Baap Kaun Hai’ If They Get ONE Measly Scratch

This is fosho one of the most annoying habits. It’s extremely irritating and thoughtless, to be honest, when two people block the entire road and indulge in a fight right in the middle of the road! It’s always best to park the car on one side and let the others pass. But we guess, Delhiites lack the basic civic sense after all!
6. Texting Comes First - Traffic Can Wait Obviously (#SarcasmAlert)

Texting while driving can prove to be fatal! If the driver’s attention is diverted even for a second, (God forbid) anything can happen to you or your car! We’re sure that your hyper girlfriend or angry boss can wait for a while, given how your life’s at stake here, so, avoid this habit at all costs and keep your eyes on the road, peeps!
7. Car-O-Bar Forever Love

Pre boozing in the car is certainly mandatory when you’re going out clubbing on a Saturday night! The car turns into a full fledged bar, but hey, as much as you enjoy drinking in your car, y’all should know that it’s a punishable offense. It’s best to not mix drinking and driving, so the best solution - take a cab you piyakkads!
8. Trying To Magically Clear Traffic With The Powers Of Honking

Delhiites have this misconception that the more you honk, the faster you can get through traffic. Let us tell you all, it DOESN’T work like that! There is no need to keep honking when you know there are a lot of cars in front of you and that there’s a legit traffic jam. Rather than helping your cause, all it’ll do is infuriate your fellow stuck-in-the-jam drivers, so hands off that honker, people!
9. Role-Playing Mission Impossible By Leaning Out Of Car Windows

We get it, we get it - you had an insane night out and the party is continuing on the ride back home and you just gotta show love to your fave song (usually Main Sharabi) by leaning out your car windows. Do we even NEED to tell you how dangerous this can be - not just to yourself but to other drivers on the road too - so just STOP!
10. Literally Feeling The Need To Scream & Shout At The Slightest Provocation

Picture Credits: californiabicyclelawyer
Amongst other things, we Delhiites are infamous for our mercurial tempers! We get angry at the slightest provocation and end up screaming expletives left, right and centre which creates a whole host of other problems. But there’s definitely no excuse for road rage and exhibiting anger and frustration towards other drivers in order to intimidate them. Everyone makes mistakes, and the best thing is to avoid indulging in a fight and causing even more trouble for everyone - not to mention blocking the road altogether!
Let’s all just say no to all these annoying (and harmful) habits and drive safely and responsibly!