Food & Nightlife
INA Colony
Best places to visit in and around INA, Delhi
Tanvi Shangle
5 years ago
Tanvi Shangle 5 years ago
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5 Answers
6 min ago
Top Answer
You can visit Dilli haat in INA for delicious food from different states of India and beautiful decor all around plus you can also do shopping over there.
6 min ago
Dilli Haat INA, Yulu-ing around The Lodhi Art District, Safdarjung Tomb and The Lodhi Garden are some options to explore in the area!
6 min ago
INA Market itself has lots of products (mostly food) that you can shop for, which aren't easily available anywhere else. You can also enjoy some street food here. Don't miss out on the Dahi ke Sholey (near the INA Metro Station). Also can head to the nearby Kashmiri Haat in INA and of course Dilli Haat is what's most popular in INA.
6 min ago
Dilli haat , sarojiini nagar
6 min ago
Kidwai Nagar market, south ex - 2 , sarojni nagar, dilli haat , Kashmiri haat