Food & Nightlife
Sector 30
Which are some amazing cafes to celebrate birthdays in the city?
Cheshta Gupta
5 years ago
Cheshta Gupta 5 years ago
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3 Answers
6 min ago
Top Answer
Cafe Rose has a great ambience for amazing pictures plus the food is good too.
6 min ago
If you want to celebrate bday with friends , then ama cafe in majnu ka tilla is a nice option. It has amazing food.
6 min ago
Hudson lane and satyaniketan has a lot of variety of cafes where you can celebrate your bday. They have great food and options for liquor and sheesha as well. Big yellow door, Hudson cafe, spezia bistro are located in Hudson lane while Off campus, pipeline cafe, big yellow door, back benchers are in Satyaniketan