City Wire

Venue Change Alert: Horn OK Please 8.0 Is Back At The Beloved JLN Stadium In Delhi!

Guys, bear with us ‘cause we have a super important piece of news for you. There has been a major and unavoidable development regarding the venue of the upcoming food festival, Horn OK Please 8.0 which is now BACK in DELHI at JLN Stadium. Read on for all the details. 

Crazy Times Call For Crazy Measures! | Due to the imposition of Section 144 in Gurugram, Horn OK Please 8.0 will now be held in Delhi at your beloved venue JLN Stadium, at Gate No. 13 this weekend. You wouldn't wanna miss out on all that we have planned for y'all with 150+ food stalls, refreshing beer & cocktails, a flea market, fun activities, a fab artist line-up and so much more. It's gonna be the highlight of your summer! 

Looks like all your prayers about bringing HOP back to Delhi have been answered, so use this last chance to grab your early bird discounted tickets and book ‘em ASAP!

Please note: Existing ticket holders who are unable to make it to the event, may apply for a full refund by sending their ticket details to by the 23rd of June, Thursday at 12 PM (Noon). 

P.S. You all can enter from Gate No. 13 & your vehicles can be parked at gates 6, 7, 8 & 9. 

Ticket Link | 

What |  Horn OK Please - The Happiest Food Festival
When | 24th - 26th June, 2022 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Where |  JLN Stadium, Delhi (Entry From Gate No. 13)
Nearest Metro Station | Jangpura, Gate No. 3
Timings | 12 Noon - 10 PM
Entry | Limited Early Bird Tickets At Rs 299 Onwards

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City Wire

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