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Delhi Dweller

Trees As Old As 600 Years Who've Witnessed Delhi's History: Various Kinds Of Trees Found In Delhi

Delhi’s landscape is still not dominated by too many high rise buildings and skyscrapers like Mumbai and other mega cities. The lush green cover and trees continue to be a treat for sore eyes. You may be surprised to learn that the oldest trees in Delhi date back 500-600 years and what we admire today has also been a part of the Mughal and the British Empire’s legacy. Let’s take a look at some of the trees found in the capital city.

Amaltas Or Laburnum

Though these weren't the clear favourites of the British because they shed almost their entire foliage, yet they managed to find and earn their place in the city. They’re a sight to behold when flowering in full bloom. The yellow and purple flowers with a mild scent are laden from top to bottom of the tree. Come March-April, and these trees will catch your eye with the beautiful flowers which are more visible than the leaves. One of the places to spot them is at Panchsheel Marg, where they are planted all along the street.

Khirk Or Celtis Tetrandra

This tree is also known as the Eastern Nettle Tree. It has a bluish grey bark with leaves about 8-12 cms long and blooms with tiny greenish-yellow flowers. It is mostly found in the hedgerows of Safdarjung, Talkatora Gardens, Lodhi Gardens, Buddha Jayanti Park & the Sunder Nagar Nursery. The larger trees are located on Teen Murti Marg and on Max Mueller Marg, just outside the WWF India building.

Maloe Or Hibiscus Tiliaceus

These small trees are famous for their beautiful yellow flowers with a crimson base and a long staminal column. The flowers remain on the tree for just a day, falling off flat on the ground after that, covering it entirely. The leaves, too, are heart shaped at the base with pointed tips. The bark is grey when the tree is young, later turning to a dark colour. Find these beautiful trees outside the Botany Department of Delhi University, in the School of Social Work, Delhi University and on S. Bharti Marg.

Kanju Or Holoptelea Integrifolia

They happen to be the tallest and largest native trees of Delhi! The bark is usually pale brown or grayish with rough patches. The tree has dense foliage and is smooth to touch with blunt tips. The clusters of flowers are of a tiny size of green colour and they bear fruits which are papery, thin & round like a disc of yellow, brown colour. You can easily spot them at Lodhi Gardens and Teen Murti Bhavan, which have some extraordinarily large Kanjus. You also can’t miss them at JNU, Max Mueller Marg, Kautilya Marg and right next to Tamil Nadu House.

Ber Or Ziziphus Mauritiana

This is a real native of Delhi and North India, and is also known as the desert apple. This common tree has a small spinal column with crooked branches snaking up. The leaves are broad and oval in shape. It’s a prized tree for its delicious fruit, which looks like an olive. The fruit is about 3 cm long is green initially, later turning yellow and pinkish when fully ripe. Besides the above, you will find a very large number of Neem trees all over the city and others such as Peepal, Banyan, Jamun, Arjun and Mango trees, to name a few.

Budding zoology experts, this is your guide to the many intriguing varieties of trees found in the capital city - happy exploring!

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Delhi Dweller

Looking beyond nooks and crannies & lurking behind every alley, I'm a true Dilli...

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