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Dilli Glutton

Treat Yourself To Some Yummy Vanilla Or Vietnameasy Cold Brew From This Coffee Delivery Place

Coffee lovers, we’ve got a little story to share with you all today. We’ve come across many caffeine addicts for whom the true meaning of endurance is a day without their regular dose of coffee. And we’d like to introduce those poor souls to this woman who is deeply and madly in love with coffee and went ahead to make the perfect cold brew blend for herself and the world. Come check out whom we’re talking about!

What’s Your Perfect Cold Brew Blend? | Did you know about this coffee delivery place called Third Roast? It’s a venture started by this lady called Poornima, about whom we spoke just above. Her story’s pretty great - back in Hanoi she discovered the perfect cold brew blend that she wanted to bring back with her to Delhi. Having literally lived on this coffee - sometimes black and sometimes with condensed milk - she went on to make her own cold brew blend and that’s how Third Roast came into being.

And now to the best part, these guys do amazing cold brews like Straight Black, Vanilla and Vietnameasy, the latest addition to the menu, in 200ml glass bottles and we’re sure you’re gonna get addicted to these pretty soon.

You can place your orders on Insta or through their website and it’ll be delivered to you in no time. Guys, there’s nothing more pleasing than devouring some yummy coffee brewed with love and care by an irrevocable caffeine freak, right? So get ordering right now, folks!

Call Them | +91 9953 064 988
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Check Out Their FB Page |
Order Online Via Insta |

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Dilli Glutton

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