Delhi Dweller

Here Are The Most Haunted Places In Delhi Where You Need To Proceed With Caution

"It was late at night and I was driving down a solitary lane along with two of my friends. It was rather still and calm outside and yet, unexpectedly, the wind started howling & whistling; we thought it was a normal irregularity of Delhi’s unpredictable weather but suddenly we saw a woman clad in a white saree standing on the roadside!"

Seems right out of a horror movie, doesn't it? But this is one of the many instances narrated by Delhiites who have experienced paranormal activity in the city! So for those who believe in the supernatural, here's where to go looking!

1. The Tree Near Dwarka Sector 9 Metro Station

People travelling in call centre cabs at night have experienced curious energy, slapping them and a woman appearing and disappearing, travelling along with the speed of the car! Yes, it sounds creepy, but according to many, this is true. It’s best you don’t traverse this area during the night! 

Where | Dwarka Sector 9 Metro Station 

2. Delhi Cantonment

Picture Credits: increind

A lush green area managed by the security services of our country is supposedly a shelter for the spirit of a lady who died in a car mishap there. Many people have confirmed her presence time and again clad in a white saree with greying hair and hairy hands, trying to get the attention of various passers-by. Wow, that's creepy!

Where | Delhi Cantonment

3. Feroz Shah Kotla Fort

Picture Credits: anugrahgj

The first impression that you get after a brief look at the Feroz Shah Kotla Fort is that of a haunted place, especially because it does not see many visitors today. This site is said to have djinns residing in the ruins and the dark halls. Every Thursday, one can see the locals lighting candles, leaving offerings of milk and grain to appease the djinns, hoping for their wishes to come true. 

Where | Feroz Shah Kotla Fort - Balmiki Basti, Vikram Nagar

4. Sanjay Van

Sanjay Van is a stretch of about 10 kms - the green lungs of the city but also known to be haunted by spirits as it houses innumerable majaars (mausoleums of Sufi saints) and graves punctuated with broken ramparts of Qila Rai Pithora. Many experiences like sounds of crying children and sudden pushing and clawing have been reported here ever since its existence!

Where | Sanjay Van - Vasant Kunj 

5. Malcha Mahal

Picture Credits: Tony Benoy

Located in a little-known village called Malcha near Delhi Earth Station, this place is surrounded by forests and what is known as the Delhi Ridge. It was originally a Tughlaq era hunting lodge and currently, very little is known about its mysterious inhabitants. By merely being near the place amidst the dense forest, you can experience an eerie feeling that you just can’t shake off!

Where | Malcha Mahal - Malcha 

6. Mutiny House

Picture Credits: Nirmal David Kacchap

Located in Kashmere Gate, this is a memorial built by the British to commemorate the death of their officers in the revolt of 1857. And now, centuries later, people have found chopped-up moving arms and legs of the deceased officials in the evenings! People have often also reported that they see a headless soldier asking for a light! It truly must be a ghastly sight for those who have witnessed it first hand.

Where | Mutiny House - Kamla Nehru Ridge, Civil Lines

7. Bhuli Bhatiyari Ka Mahal

Picture Credits: katerinas_asian_world

In Jhandewalan lies an old hunting lodge of Tughlaq and the entry to the monument from the North-East, interestingly, is twin-gated, which is strange for a structure that is deemed 'not so' important. It has remained abandoned and left unoccupied for centuries and is known to be haunted with various sounds and invisible shuffling activity around this part of the ridge.

Where | Bhuli Bhatiyari Ka Mahal - Central Ridge Reserve Forest

8. Karbala Graveyard

Karbala is a Shiite burial ground in BK Dutt Colony for the funeral of tazias, the ritual coffins of Imam Husain Ibn Ali (the prophet’s grandson). There is an eerie and gloomy ambience about this place, marked by cries and loneliness which may get to you, especially if you visit during the evenings. 

Where | Karbala Graveyard - Karbala Lane, Lodhi Road, Karbala Road, Civil Colony, BK Dutt Colony

9. The Ridge

Picture Credits: delhiheritagewalks

The Delhi Ridge, an extension of the Aravalli Hill Range in NCT is a haunting rocky and hilly forested area where some of the goriest events of history took place. One can witness firangi ghosts still hovering the ridge, marking their territory. It's notorious for its moody ghosts and any visitors to this part of the Ridge should be very careful here as there's reportedly no mobile network to be found here as well!

Where | The Ridge - Chauburja Marg, Kamla Nehru Ridge, Civil Lines

10. Jamali Kamali Tomb & Mosque

Picture Credits: Harsh Singh Rajawat

Located within the folds of Mehrauli Archaeological Park, Jamali, the renowned Sufi saint was buried here in 1535 alongside Kamali. You get an unsettling feeling once inside the chamber of the tomb and can also experience all kinds of noises calling out to you from the nearby graves, making it unsafe to visit during night-time.

Where | Jamali Kamali Tomb & Mosque - Ladha Sarai, Mehrauli Archeological Park Trail, Christian Colony, Mehrauli

11. Nicholson's Cemetery

Picture Credits: Aman Sharma

This is one of the oldest cemeteries in Civil Lines, dating back to the British era and there are a lot of graves of British soldiers, their wives and children buried here. As you walk inside, the first thing that strikes you is that the entire place is engulfed in pin-drop silence and often you can feel a nagging presence lurking and following you, hidden behind the huge tamarind trees and palm trees found here. We just got chills!

Where | Nicholson's Cemetery - Club Road, Ludlow Castle, Civil Lines

12. Ashok Vihar Flyover

This Is A Representative Image

This highway may seem like an unlikely place to find trouble while driving but alas, don’t be so smug! Legend has it that a lady here died on the Satyawati Rail Tracks and her spirit till date haunts the car drivers here at around 2 AM. If you’re driving by looking for them, don’t be alarmed if you find her running beside your car to keep you company. 

Where | Satyawati Flyover, Ashok Vihar

13. Yamuna Ghat 

Picture Credits: abhie0587

Yamuna ghat is said to be haunted and those who row their boats amid the numerous seagulls have claimed to find certain irregularities in the river water that churns without any known cause. People have also often said that they’ve seen shadows of people on the river banks only to find nothing when they’ve come closer to inspect. Now, who knows if it's just a trick of the sunlight on water or if there really is something sinister lurking amid the water depths!

Where | Yamuna Ghat - Kashmere Gate 

14. Tughlaqabad Fort

Picture Credits: Sohel

Located in Tughlakabad, this fort is said to be haunted as a Sufi Saint cursed the royal fort to always remain unoccupied, or else may herdsmen live here. The fort is surrounded by the lush jungle that provides magnificent scenery. If you’re a person who loves to wander and enjoy the beauty of nature around you, then this place is a must-go for you. Avoid going too close to the fort as people have reported citing the ghost of Sultan Tughlaq wandering nearby the Fort. 

Where | Tughlakabad Fort - Tughlakabad 

15. Qabristan Of Kotla

Picture Credits: Miraz Khan meer

Tortured are the souls of those who die for love, isn't it? One such tortured soul haunts the visitors of Kotla Qabristan. While many carry their heart on their sleeve, the ghost of General Nicholas carries his head on his arms instead. The next time you walk through the cemetery, beware of the General. And if you dare, talk to him and he’ll tell you the story of how he shot himself upon learning that his lover married someone else. 

Where | Kotla Qabristan - Netaji Subhash Marg, Priyadarshini Colony, Kashmere Gate

16. Khooni Jheel

Picture Credits: wildernesssssss

It will be a tad bit disappointing to you bravehearts to hear that the khooni jheel actually doesn't have any traces of khoon in it. But it is tainted by the blood of many British families who fell to their death in the lake while fleeing a battle during 1857. While now the jheel is a popular lovers spot in the city, don’t be surprised if in the middle of a hot sesh you end up hearing children wailing or figures shadowing over you. 

Where | Khooni Jheel - Northern Ridge

17. Chor Minar

Picture Credits: Abhishek restagi

No, we didn't see people partying around in HKV and assume they were hiding in the shadows like ghosts. We actually believe the Chor Minar in the mix of HKV Monuments is haunted and if you heard its story you’d have a hard time believing it’s not haunted too. Legend has it that Alaudin Khilji used the 200+ holes in the Minar to display the heads of all the people he beheaded to send a message to his opposers within his empire as well externally to his opponents like the Mongols. 

Where | Chor Minar - Padmini Enclave, Hauz Khas

18. GK 1 - W3

This Is A Representative Image

This abandoned house in GK 1 is said to be haunted and the neighbours have cited hearing screams and squabs from the house, phantom-like figures were also spotted by some of them. Though this house has now been purchased by a family, and the place has been rebuilt, there are people who still come here to see this terrifying house. 

Where | Greater Kailash 1

19. Sanjay Lake Park

Picture Credits: yugesh_singh

Sanjay Lake is an oasis of green and peace within the city, especially for East Delhiites but it doesn't take much time before the silence one feels here turns eerie. The Lake, alongside ample flora and fauna, is also home to mausoleums of many Sufi saints. And people strolling through the Lake often complain of hearing voices of children crying and women screaming. In extreme instances, people have also noticed women clad in white sarees moving around the Peepal and Banyan trees of the park. *OMG*.

Where | Sanjay Lake Park - Mayur Vihar Phase II

20. Agrasen Ki Baoli 

Picture Credits: travellinstaa_

The Baoli is counted as one of the most haunted places in Delhi. While many flock to the monument to enjoy the stunning architecture, one can also observe the metal pipes just before the water to prevent people from accidentally or intentionally jumping into it. This had to be brought in as there had been many instances of people jumping into the water and dying. Many alleged that the water body has a layer of black water that houses hypnotising powers. It coerces people into jumping into the water. We say proceed with caution! 

Where | Agrasen ki Baoli - Hailey Road, KG Marg

21. Karkardooma Court

This Is A Representative Image

Are you the kind who doesn't believe in the existence of ghosts? Well, try staying firm on your beliefs when we tell you that paranormal investigators actually couldn't deny the presence of supernatural beings inside the courthouse. What’s more, is that this paranormal activity has many captured on CCTV Cameras on numerous occasions. Advocates with chambers in the court are routinely disturbed by floating bubbles in their corridor, by their frequently missing belongings and regularly fluctuating computers. Rumour has it that there are 2 prominent ghosts present in the building - one of a lawyer who passed away in the Uttarakhand floods and another of an electrician who died by getting electrocuted in the court itself. 

Where | Karkardooma Court - Maharaja Surajmal Marg, Arjun Gali, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara

22. Death Valley

Picture Credits: ThekapoorWhoVlogs

Are you a person who loves to sit in a silent place that is surrounded with nature all around? If the answer to that question is a YES, then this place is a must-go for you. The name might sound a little scary and we wouldn't disagree because this place is actually considered as one of the scariest places in Haryana because of the mysterious deaths occurring in the area. Though, people love to visit the place in broad daylight as it's very beautiful and peaceful. 

Where | Faridabad, Haryana

23. Lothian Cemetery 

Picture Credits: vastpankaj

Well, if you’re one of those persons who would back out if asked to take a stroll around a cemetery, then this place is not for you. Located just minutes away from Kashmere Gate, this graveyard is considered to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in the world. This cemetery is one of the oldest cemeteries of Delhi and it is believed that the ghost of British officer Sir Nicholas's roams around the graveyard. It is cited that Sir Nicholas fell in love with an Indian lady but could not be married and this resulted in Nicholas taking his own life. 

Where |  Lothian Cemetery - Kashmere Gate

24. Saraswati Kunj 

This place is not a regular horror place with abandoned forts and lakes around; rather this place is a housing society in Gurgaon that is believed to be scary. There are rumours about the place being plagued by the spirit of a 15-year-old girl that is possessed by two spirits of a man and a woman. So, the next time you wander somewhere near this housing society, better take precautions. 

Where | Saraswati Kunj - Gurgaon

25. Phoenix Factory 

This factory is located in Sector 60, Noida and is believed to be plagued by the spirits. There was a time when high numbers used to work in this factory but as time passed many employees left the job because of the horrific incidents that took place with them. The factory turned into a ghostly place when a massive fire broke out in the place and more than 200 women including infants were burned to death. The management at the place has shut down a few rooms that face extreme paranormal occurrences. *shudders*

Where | Phoenix Factory - Noida

So the next time you feel a little adventurous, head to one of these places! 

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Delhi Dweller

Looking beyond nooks and crannies & lurking behind every alley, I'm a true Dilli...

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