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Dilli Glutton

If Waffles Are Your Forever Love (Just Like Us), Head Straight to Rico's

Ever had that all-consuming waffle craving you just couldn't shrug off? We've been in your shoes guys, and for the ultimate waffle sticks and sundaes, we love Rico's!

They've got Classic Waffles, Chocolate Waffles, Nutella Waffles (omg!) and Banana Waffles, along with their special Black Forest Relish. If you're a hardcore waffle lover, then Rico's needs to be on the top of your list to try out!

A waffle here costs approximately Rs 160 (only). Go scoop 'em up!

Where They're At | Hudson Lane, North Campus & Satya Niketan, South Campus

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Dilli Glutton

Diet - Get Out. Health Fads - Out The Window. Gobbling up all of Delhi's mouthwa...

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