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Did You Know That DU May Not Hold Exams For Students Of 2nd & 4th Sem?

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Due to the pandemic, a lot of people are left anxious, worrying about what the future holds for them. One such group is college students who have been waiting anxiously to get to know about how they will be graded and promoted to the next class. And this announcement by the Delhi University finally brings some clarity! 

No Exams In DU? | So, Delhi University recently announced that it will not hold semester exams for 2nd and 4th-semester students of the undergrad programmes. The students in the first and second year will be exempted. According to the notification rolled out on Thursday,  the 4th of June, a one-time alternative grading system is being adopted and this is even being done for students who’re enrolled in the DU School of Open Learning and Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board or NCWEB. 

But the students in the final year or ex-students will still have to write the online open-book exams. This grading could be a mix of 50% marks from the internal assessments and 50% based on the external exams conducted in the previous semesters. However, those in the intermediate year or enrolled in short term courses, who don’t have any previous semester records will be graded entirely on the basis of their assignments.  

So, what do you think about this move?!

Sourced Via NDTV Education

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Campus Explorer

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