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Did You Hear The Iconic Hotel Broadway Has Now Shut Down In Delhi?!

The onset of the pandemic has seen a lot of places closing their shutters and it has truly been disheartening to see it happen before our eyes. And we just got word that there’s an ICONIC hotel in Delhi’s Daryaganj area that recently shut its doors. Here’s all the information about it.

End Of An Era | Hotel Broadway was one of the first high-rise buildings in the cities during the late 1950s. This LEGENDARY hotel has now closed its doors to the public and it feels like the end of an era. In the 1990s, this hotel opened a bar called ‘Thugs’, as an ode to all the Bollywood villains. Staying true to its name, the decor included beer barrels and posters of yesteryear villains such as Mogambo! 

The hotel also opened Chor Bizzare, a restaurant serving Kashmiri cuisine in the year 1990. The hotel had been standing tall since ages and had grown to become a landmark. However, after the lockdown, when the economy started to reopen, it was decided that reopening the hotel would not be financially viable, as the revenue was heavily dependent on foreign tourists. Hence it was decided to shut it down. Did you know the tariff over here was Rs 15 for a single night, once upon a time? 

Have you ever been to this landmark hotel? Let us know in the comments section below!

Sourced Via The IndianExpress 

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