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Delhi Insider

Delhi's Traffic May Soon Be Managed By Artificial Intelligence & This Is Pretty Darn Cool!

Delhi peeps, here’s an interesting piece of news for you all! Guess who’ll soon be replacing a part of Delhi’s traffic police? Artificial intelligence! Yep, they might soon be our new traffic regulators - read on to find out what’s going on.

Artificial Intelligence To Regulate Traffic | The top police officers of Delhi have received the approval of the city’s Lieutenant Governor to use AI to manage traffic in the capital. So this high-tech means of technology will soon be controlling our vehicular movements now.

Utilizing a Rs 1,000 crores plan, the Delhi Police plans to install 7,000 - 8,000 multi directional infrared cameras with colourless laser sensors - fancy! At every traffic signal, there will also be an IP based public address system. Through the cameras, the police can monitor traffic and communicate with the drivers on the move or at signals using the PA system, which is pretty darn cool! About 1,000 LED boards linked with AI software and cameras will also display real time information about the traffic movements across the city. 

For the first few months, the cameras will be used to collect data about the traffic in Delhi, the peak hours and more, which will then be used by the AI software for something called ‘deep learning’ and for developing a predictive algorithm. Earlier, there wasn’t any algorithm to stop or divert traffic during peak hours, but with data from live camera feeds and Google Maps, life’s about to get a lot easier!

Delhi will also see smart traffic control rooms, where traffic personnel will monitor the cameras. If the project pans out well, we may not require traffic police on the roads at all, thanks to artificial intelligence! Woah! 

Excellent move, Delhi Traffic Police!

Sourced Via Hindustan Times

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