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Delhi Dweller

Delhi Will Soon Have An Innovation & Incubation Centre To Fund Startups & Support Entrepreneurs!

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Pay attention all you budding (or otherwise) entrepreneurs out there! The Delhi Emporium will soon host an Incubation and Innovation centre! Plus, the fact that the Emporium is located centrally at Baba Kharak Singh Marg in CP will (it’s hoped) lure lots of young entrepreneurs. 

What’s New Here | At the Innovation Summit which took place in Hyderabad last year in November, this idea of setting up an incubation and innovation centre was brought up and the government seriously considered this proposal. 

After deliberation, the government felt that Delhi being the national capital was the ideal place for developing a major innovation centre and encourage the start-up culture in our city, with 50 plus innovators and start-ups popping up at any given point of time. 

Also, this innovation centre aims at funding startups and aims to work with entrepreneurs and create more jobs for better overall economic growth. 

So pull up your socks aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators as Delhi is all set to welcome this innovation centre soon! Stay tuned for the opening dates and more deets. 

Sourced Via The Hindu

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Delhi Dweller

Looking beyond nooks and crannies & lurking behind every alley, I'm a true Dilli...

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