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Delhi Insider

Delhi Might See The Development Of 11 City Forests And A Mega Plantation Drive This Year

With rising pollution levels in the city, it’s not a far-fetched idea to plan more trees in order to ensure a greener and pollution free city, right? And the Delhi’s Forest Department is planning just that!

11 New Forests? | So, from what we’ve heard, Delhi’s Forest Department is aiming to develop 11 NEW forests across the city during this year & the next and will ensure that at least 6 such areas are developed in the coming monsoon season itself. The Environment Minister, Imran Hussain has checked the action plan for this and for carrying out a mega plantation drive!

The Forest Department has been directed to submit a proposal for carrying out the drive which will be organized at the end of July. Plus, they’ve been asked to immediately submit an action plan for the development of the 6 city forests! 

Sounds like a move in the right direction to us, what about you?

Sourced Via The Weather Channel

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Delhi Insider

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