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Delhi May Get A Seven Wonders Of The World Park With Replicas Made From 110 Tons Of Waste

Hola Delhizens! Don’t have the time or the money (or both) to go check out all the seven wonders of the world? What if we tell you that they might soon come closer to you, right here in the city? Unbelievable? Well, not really. Here’s what’s happening! 

Seven Wonders Of The World In Delhi? | The SDMC is bringing all the seven wonders of the world to Delhi! So from January 2019 onwards, gear up to take innumerable selfies with the Statue of Liberty, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Eiffel Tower or, of course, our very own Taj Mahal, at the Rajiv Gandhi Smriti Van, near Sarai Kale Khan. Yayy!

The project is part of SDMC’s waste-to-art initiative, wherein all the seven wonders will be fashioned out of recycled waste and junk! Isn’t that super cool? The existing Rajiv Gandhi Smriti Van will be redeveloped into a Wonders of the World Park, and we can’t wait to see this happen. 

Currently, the park is divided into two areas - a green patch and a six acre area, which is being used by the Delhi Metro. In the green area, separate sections will be dedicated to the seven wonders of the world. The replicas of the monuments will be made out 110 tonnes of waste! Detailed information about these monuments will be displayed on stone plinths that’ll be placed right in front of the replicas of the seven wonders. 

The SDMC has said that the replica of the Taj will be the most expensive of all, due to all the intricate detailing. The park will also have a cafeteria for you peeps to grab some quick bites and drinks. You guys will have to shell out Rs 20 as entry fee.

If you’ve been to Kota, then you know that the idea of the seven wonders park was borrowed from there, the only difference being that the replicas in Delhi will be made out of waste, unlike those in Kota. 

So come January, you’ll have a new place to check out on your mandatory family outings on Sundays! 

Where | Waste To Wonders Park - Near Nizamuddin MS, Sarai Kale Khan
Timings | 11 AM - 11 PM (Closed on Mondays)
Entry | Rs 50 (For Adults) & Rs 25 (For Kids Aged Between 3-12 Years)

Sourced Via The Times Of India

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