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Dilli Glutton

Can't Give Up Waffles During Navratri? This Dessert Place Is Making 100% Veg Waffles For You!

Waffle love and cravings sees no time or place! It just happens *all the time, everyday*. So just because Navratras have started doesn’t mean we won’t have waffles for NINE WHOLE DAYS! So just to keep your tummies and taste buds happy, Waffle Chowk in Punjabi Bagh is making 100% vegetarian waffles! YASS!

Come Drop By | Waffle Chowk is bringing 100% vegetarian waffles this Navratri season just for y’all. Loaded with fresh fruit, nuts and berries *drooling already* these waffles are all things sweet and nice and totally delish! They are everything you’d need to satisfy your never-ending greed for waffles!

Head out to this cute lil dessert parlour ‘cause it’s the best thing that will happen to you this Navratri!

Meal For Two | Rs 350
Where | Waffle Chowk - Punjabi Bagh Club Road, Punjabi Bagh
Check Out Their FB Page |

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Dilli Glutton

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