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Delhi Dweller

Check Out This Petite Structure Called The Chhoti Gumti That Was Built In The 14th Century

As you embark upon the narrow road that leads up to Hauz Khas Village from Green Park Main Market, you'll spot a couple of structures appearing in quick succession on the right, both tiny by the standards of a regular monument. The first of these is the Chhoti Gumti.

Domed Structure Hailing From The Lodi Period

‘Chhoti’, meaning small, and ‘Gumti’, meaning dome, together summarize the monument's small domed structure, with a low height and an area of just about 8 square meters. Built out of rubble and then plastered, the structure has withstood the wrath of the centuries surprisingly well and stands today in a well-preserved state, though only after commendable efforts by the ASI, of course. 

The dome has arched entrances on the East, North and South, while on the West is the mihrab, the semicircular niche indicating the direction of prayer in Islam that lies towards Kaaba, in the holy city of Mecca. There’s also a painted medallion on the ceiling. All of these architectural features are attributed to structures belonging to the Lodi dynasty, and thus Chhoti Gumti is believed to have been built during the Lodi era, between the 14th and 15th centuries.

Here Lies Buried Someone Unknown

The structure is deemed to be a tomb, since the remnants of a battered down grave have been found inside the complex. It is, however, unknown who lies buried here, since there are no historical records about it, lending an air of mystery to the structure and its significance. 

Scenic Views

A narrow gate on one side of the structure can be found open at times, from where steep steps lead up to the upper level of the structure where one can go round the dome and look far into the distance. It makes for a beautiful view from up there! The complex around the tomb is covered with lush grass and the shade of trees offers respite to tired labourers and the working class who can be seen taking their afternoon siestas or enjoying lunch in the lawns often. Benches are placed all around the place for people to sit back and enjoy the cool shade as birds feed on the seeds spread around by kind folk.

The Exact Location

It can be reached on foot from the Green Park Metro Station and would take about ten minutes. Or one could take an auto towards Hauz Khas Village and Chhoti Gumti would come on the right side on the narrow lane that turns from the main road behind Aurobindo Market, towards the village. 

Chhoti Gumti may have lost its true significance over time, but it serves as a modern day landmark which definitely deserves to be recognized for its worth.

Where | Chhoti Gumti - Near Kharehra Village, Green Park

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Delhi Dweller

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