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7 New Year Resolutions To Promise Yourself At the Onset Of The New Decade

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With the booze-soaked happy stupor and all-night partying of NYE behind us, we now turn our attention to the brave new year suddenly upon us! From de-cluttering your mile-long Facebook friends’ list to plunging into adventure sports, we’ve compiled a list of perfect New Year's resolutions that totally define our spirit as proper Dilliwallas, and make us feel proud! 

1. Smack Down Pollution Woes

We’ve all been subjected to the brilliant Odd-Even strategy propounded - inconvenience aside, we all know (and have coughed up), significant amounts of exhaust fuel just spiralling around everywhere. How about this time around we take a pledge - no more jugaad, no more excuses! Air pollution masks, home and office air-purifiers and conserving energy are just a few ways you can combat pollution in the city!

2. He For She

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Picture Credits: hiteshchoudhary

Feminism is not a bad word guys. Harassment and discrimination towards women is a fact and exists all around us. Let’s make New Year’s Resolutions really count and promise ourselves - men and women included - to ensure that sexism becomes a thing of the past! Some great NGOs to watch and join are Girl Effect and Sama - check them out to see how you can help!

 Check Out Girl Effect’s FB Page |
Here’s Sama’s Website | 

3. A Comprehensive Delhi Darshan

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Who says you need to travel to Paris to find high-street fashion or go to Rome to see cobbled streets? We live in Dilli - the land of food, Mughal architecture and the capital city of the golden bird country! So the next time you venture out, how about you check out the unheard-of Malcha Mahal, the Heritage Transport Museum or cute, quaint Tikli Bottom!

4. Eat This Not That

Picture Credits: adeeba.naaz97

Yes, yes, we know you make this resolution each year and just as promptly swerve right back onto ‘I Love Junk-Food-Ville’. Ever heard of a health-craze centring around cold-pressed juices? Some of the best cold-pressed juices are RAW Pressery and ANTIDOTE. Some other small, painless changes are - going in for organic vegetables and fruits, switching to brown rice, relishing superfoods and drinking lots of water!

5. Volunteer - A Lot!

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One resolution that will fill your days with productivity and give you inordinate amounts of joy - just volunteer! Whether it’s whiling away a delightful afternoon taking care of cute babies at mobile creches (The Hope Project), mucking about in the dirt planting precious trees, helping take care of stray animals (Friendicoes) or better yet - teaching (Teach India)! 

6. Adopt A Pet

Picture Credits: friendicoes_del

No matter how busy your life and no matter how crowded it is, there’s always room for a pet! Pets are super-cuddly, shower unconditional love upon you, are always cheerful and will follow you around for life! All they ask for in return is lots of love and attention! One of the best places to adopt a pet in Delhi is much-loved Friendicoes.

7. Pamper Yourself

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Set aside one day each month, devoted entirely to whatever you want to do! We’re thinking a leisurely spa day, taking long walks in lush green spaces, take in that movie you’ve been longing to watch alone or just laze around! Some awesome spas to book up are Aura Thai Spa, Alaya Spa and Salon and Zedz Thai Spa. One day, no strings attached - you know you deserve it!

 So, what’s your new year’s resolution? Let us know in the comments section below!

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So Delhi

A Local's City Guide

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