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Delhi Dweller

Boasting From The Rooftops: Apni Delhi Metro Declared 2nd Best In The World!

Time to rejoice Delhiites, Delhi Metro just got ranked No. 2 among the top 18 internationally acclaimed metros around the world. This was decided upon through an online survey done regarding overall customer satisfaction, because hey, customer is king right? 

So Delhi Metro, along with London DLR and Bangkok MRT bagged the first three spots! In this survey, they’ve analyzed the likelihood of customers recommending the service to others on the basis of their own satisfaction. When asked what are the three main things that you look at in a Metro service, Delhi Metro commuters collectively responded with ‘Availability, Reliability and Crowding’, and Delhi Metro scored pretty well in these key areas! 

Good going DMRC! Three cheers for Delhi Metro! 

Sourced via Indian Express

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Delhi Dweller

Looking beyond nooks and crannies & lurking behind every alley, I'm a true Dilli...

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