An Interactive Show Like No Other, Go Watch Faeryland - A Kids Storytelling Cabaret
Learning about Shakespeare and his plays just got interesting. A children’s Cabaret is on this weekend which is hosted by international artists and it is going to be pretty awesome!
A kid’s storytelling Cabaret by Emily Grant and Holly Meechan, this is an interactive show where in kids can directly get involved in action, improving confidence, literacy, and oral skills, all the while having fun! Sounds awesome!
Celebrate love and friendship in this fast-paced story of mischief and magic with original music and audience participation. Not only will it inspire and entertain, but also provide a fun accessible introduction to one of Shakespeare’s famous plays.
The performance uses music, singing and dancing to push the knowledge forward. So book your seats right away and head on over for sure!
When | Saturday, 13th May
Where | Oxford Book Store, Delhi, N-81, Connaught Circus, Block N, Connaught Place
Tickets | Rs 300
Book Your Spots Online On |
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City Wire
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