An Amateur Writer? Prove Your Chops By Sending Us Your Story & We'll Publish It On So Delhi!
Budding writers and explorers, So Delhi has a super cool thing in line for you all! A way for your work to get honoured and a platform where you can exhibit your talent. Recently, the So Delhi website had introduced a ‘Send Us Your Story’ feature, where users will get to tell us about anything and everything related to Delhi that you’ve come across or experienced and we’ll tell the world about it!
It’s very simple guys, all you gotta do is log onto our website from your desktop as this feature is not available on smartphones as of now, and sign in using your Gmail or Facebook account. Next up, you’ll see an option called ‘Send Us Your Story’ on the top right corner, click on it and the next web page is your canvas, pen down everything that you want us and the world to know about our beloved Delhi!
How To Go About It | Once you’ve got the webpage open in front of you, feel free to be as creative as you want! Add in a funky and quirky title, feel free to let loose and pen down your article and add lots of great images (currently, we’re able to accept ONLY landscape images). As an example, it can be a listicle about the ‘Top 10 Places in Delhi That Serve The Best Butter Chicken’ or a store review about a place that you recently visited or even a travel story! Whatever it is, we’re welcoming everything with open arms *wide grins*.
This is our little initiative to encourage people to appreciate and write more about their city. Our team of busy bee editors at So Delhi will be editing your piece for brevity, but the sole essence of everything you submit shall be faithfully retained we promise! So go ahead and write away!
P.S. - Don’t forget to add in images - that’ll always make your article more appealing! We’d like to put a picture to everyone's imagination!
Send In Your Stories Here |!/editor
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