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Shubhi Tiwari

Almond Tart, New York Cheesecake & Flavoured Macarons @ The Big Baker, The Junction

Tucked away in a bright and colourful setting called The Junction, The Big Baker was where we headed to give in to our dessert cravings this time. It’s a tiny little place to look at, but it offers confections that will satisfy your soul.

There’s a black and white wall here that has an inviting cup of warm beverage drawn on it, reading, “Today is a hot cocoa kind of day” that we found pretty cute! After spending a lot of time deciding what to eat, because all their desserts looked super yummy and we just couldn’t make up our mind about which one to start with, here’s everything we devoured:

Almond Tart with Chantilly Cream

This is the first thing we tried and we gobbled it up in no time even though the portion size they serve is pretty massive. It was a soft, warm, and gooey tart that made us fall in love with it from the very first bite. As we took our second bite, we were in for a surprise – a stuffing on sweetened plums greeted our taste buds with flavours of joy that we found quite irresistible, to be honest. The Chantilly cream and almond shaving dressing on top made this tart as perfect as it could get!

Price | Rs. 165

Chocolate Walnut Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream

How could we not order this? As clichéd a dessert as it may be, it is still one of everyone’s favourites, isn’t it? The vanilla ice cream was melting and we were drooling! The brownie was a tad bitter for our liking (neither the dark chocolate kinds, nor the coffee kinds), but combined with the generous helping of chocolate syrup and ice cream served it, it turned out to be quite delicious! The brownie was warm and soft, with a heavenly texture and smoothness to it. It simply melted in our mouths.

Price | Rs. 395

New York Cheesecake

Cheesecakes can be tricky, either you love them or you hate them, there is no in-between. However, even the haters of this confectionery item would agree that The Big Baker’s cheesecake is quite delectable. It’s probably one of the best cheesecakes we’ve had around Delhi and we strongly recommend it, especially to those of who are willing to make an attempt to like cheesecakes, because you’ll love this one! The sweetened raspberry on top made us want to order another one.

Price | Rs. 165

Chocolate Truffle Pastry

We knew how soft this pastry was just by looking at it and it surpassed our expectations by quite a bit! However, what we did not know is how chocolatey it would be and let’s just say we tasted heaven in the form of this chocolate truffle! This melt-in-your-mouth, super soft, very chocolatey dessert made our love for chocolate grow manifold with every bite. Did we mention how well it was plated? (We must have forgotten as we started dreaming about this loveliness again)

Price | Rs. 145

Fresh Fruit Tart

We were beginning to feel slightly guilty about our binging so we thought we’ll order something healthy next. Containing more fruits than we usually see in fruit tarts, we felt pretty proud of our so-called healthy choice. The fruits (kiwi, apple, plum, green apple, mango etc.) were actually fresh, all of them, as we could taste the natural sourness of some and it blended perfectly with the vanilla mascarpone cream filling and the sweetness of the other fruits.

Price | Rs. 95

Opera Pastry

Okay, we admit, we couldn’t stay away from all that chocolatey stuff around us that was just sitting there, looking at us so invitingly, we had to try this one! *last one, promise!* Chocolate ganache, coffee buttercream, dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate glaze, chocolate sponge cake, oh! how could we resist? A perfect layer for every kind of chocolate and each bite so rich and flavourful, we weren’t even guilty anymore!

Price | Rs. 145

Flavoured Macarons

We had no space or intention to try these, but the baker insisted and these cuties just didn’t deserve to be sent back. Quite happy with the mild flavours of both chocolate and strawberry macarons, little did we expect delicious creamy centres waiting for us. Delighted with the rich centres, we gobbled them up with satisfied smiles on our faces.  

Price | Rs. 65 for 2

It was quite a task to even be able to walk out of this place, but as guilty as we felt for going overboard, we felt that every bite was worth it! We’d definitely stop by again after working out for a week, what about you?

Where | CSC Complex, Opposite Aurobindo Market, Hauz Khas

Published By:

Shubhi Tiwari

Life has been quite eventful since I figured there’s no such thing as too much s...

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