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Delhi Dweller

All New DTC Buses To Have 25% Seats Reserved For Women, GPS, Speed Monitoring Devices & More!

Picture Credits: KSRTC Blog

Soon, travelling by bus will be luxurious AF as the Delhi Transport Corporation has some really good plans up its sleeve!

Luxe DTC Buses For Y’All | All of DTC’s approx. 1,000 new buses are gonna be fully equipped with comfortable seats and GPS, which will help announce the names of upcoming bus stops. Also, speakers will be installed in the front and rear of the buses which will announce the destination and route number of the bus stops. 

And all you ladies! You’re in for some good news as these new buses will have 25% of the total seats, excluding the driver’s seat, reserved for women, and all the ones reserved for you guys will be marked in pink! Pretty cool! Moreover, the seat behind the driver will be reserved for a visually-challenged passenger. 

That’s not all, folks. DTC is defo on a roll and has come up with some really cool features for the new buses like a speed monitoring device which will not allow the bus to cross the maximum speed limit of 40 kmph. For the passengers’ safety, CCTV cameras and panic buttons will also be installed in the buses. 

Although the exact date for the implementation of this is not yet known, DTC has said that these new buses will hit the road by this year itself, so hoping for the best!

Sourced Via The Times Of India

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Delhi Dweller

Looking beyond nooks and crannies & lurking behind every alley, I'm a true Dilli...

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