10 Yoga Asanas You Must Try To Start Your Day On A Healthy Note
The way you start your morning defines your attitude and mood for the rest of the day. And if you ask us, the best way to start your day is by doing yoga, which will keep you energetic and calm throughout the day, especially needed given the current scenario, for it will also help in boosting immunity and staying happy & healthy. To help you start a routine, we’ve curated some of the easiest yoga poses that you can begin with that will help you with flexibility and strength, so read on and try these yoga asanas ASAP!
1. Dhanurasana

Picture Credits: kashishalimchandani
Dhanurasana or the bow pose can be achieved by lying on your belly with your hands up, bend your knees, bring your heels close to your buttocks and hold your ankles. Stay in this pose for about 30 seconds while inhaling and exhaling strongly. This asana improves digestion, constipation and strengthens back muscles.
Here’s A Tutorial | Dhanurasana
2. Sukhasana

Picture Credits: /prii.yoga
For Sukhasana, sit straight on the floor, cross your legs and put your feet under the opposite knee. Make sure that there is a gap between the feet and pelvic. Fold your hands into a namaste and hold this pose for about 60 seconds. This asana helps with anxiety, stress and improves body posture.
Here’s A Tutorial | Sukhasana
3. Tadasana
Picture Credits: kanikayoga
Stand straight on your toes with your arms above your head. Stretch your body and hold this mountain pose AKA Tadasana for about 30 seconds while breathing easily. This pose improves your balance, regulates the menstrual cycle, tones up your abdomen and respiratory & digestive function.
Here’s A Tutorial | Tadasana
4. Vrikshasana
Picture Credits: logical.yogi
For Vrikshasana or the tree pose, stand straight, bend your right knee and place your right foot on your left thigh. Raise your arms over your head and fold your palms into the namaste mudra. Make sure you are balanced well and breathe in & out slowly. Some of the benefits of this pose are strengthening the legs and feet, the hips and it improves pelvic stability.
Here’s A Tutorial | Vrikshasana
5. Naukasana
Picture Credits: just.breatheout
To attain this asana, lie on your back, lift your chest, legs and arms in a way that you’re stretching your arms towards the feet. Do keep in mind that your eyes, toes and fingers must be inline. Breathe easy while maintaining this pose. This pose will help reduce your belly fat, improve blood circulation and the functioning of the pancreas, liver and lungs.
Here’s A Tutorial | Naukasana
6. Padmasana
Picture Credits: annamart133130
Sit straight with your legs crossed, place your feet on the opposite thigh and your palms on your knee in a mudra form. This meditation pose increases the circulation in the lumbar spine, calms the brain, stretches the ankles and knees & makes the hips flexible.
Here’s A Tutorial | Padmasana
7. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Picture Credits: joanna.qcoolska
Use your hands and knees to balance on the floor, with your hands placed a bit forward of your shoulder and your knees below your hips. If you’re a beginner, bend your knees slightly at the beginning and then lift your back towards the ceiling. Some of the benefits of this asana are relieving the stress, stretches the shoulders and calves, prevents osteoporosis and helps relieve the menstrual symptoms.
Here’s A Tutorial | Adho Mukha Svanasana
8. Bhujangasana
Picture Credits: garima.harlalka
For Bhujangasana, lie on your belly and stretch your legs and tops of the feet on the floor. Put your hands on the floor and start bending your back without pushing your chest forward. Hold this pose for about 15 seconds and don’t overdo it. It strengthens the spine, stimulates abdominal organs, helps with asthma and helps with the fatigue.
Here’s A Tutorial | Bhujangasana
9. Shishuasana/ Balasana
Picture Credits: satori_by_rupali
This asana is especially useful to build up your immune system and decongest your chest. That is, ideal given the current situation. You just have to sit on your heels, keeping your hips on the heels and bend forward as you lower your forehead to the floor. You can keep your hands alongside your body with palms facing up or you can also place your fists on top of each other
and place your forehead above them, whichever is comfortable. An excellent and useful pose will leave your mind relaxed.
Here’s A Tutorial | Shishuasana/ Balasana
10. Chaturanga Dandasana
Picture Credits: wild_magical_soul
This asana is also called the four-limbed staff pose on elbows and is similar to a plank. Also known to boost immunity as well as weight loss, this asana is a must-try. In this asana, you have to start with a high plank and slowly drop down on your elbows as you engage your core. Find a tutorial below!
Here’s A Tutorial | Chaturanga Dandasana
So, folks, these are some of the easy yoga poses that you can begin with! However, do keep in mind that don’t push your body from the start, give it time to stretch to avoid any injury.
Published By:
Sanchaita Mazumder
Just a potato girl in a cauliflower world.