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Tashika Tyagi

7 Kinds Of Delhi Aunties You’re Likely To Come Across At Diwali Exhibitions

Diwali time equals shopping time! We mean besides the tradition of wearing something new during the puja, we’ve tons of get-togethers, dinners and card parties lined up and that means going shopping to the amazing Diwali special exhibitions and popups that happen around the city! And if you’ve EVER attended any such exhibition in the city, then we’re sure you must have come across at least one such aunty, read on!

1. The Bargaining Queens Who’ll Bargain Till The Shopkeeper Gives In!

Picture credits: London Market

“Chalo, na aapki na meri, half main done karte hai!”, if you have ever heard (and been appalled by) this line, then you’ve defo come across aunties belonging to this category! And despite the fact that the shopkeepers at these Diwali exhibitions stress on the ‘fixed price’ aspect, these aunties just refuse to give in. They keep on bargaining and make the poor shopkeeper on the other side of the counter embarrassed until he/she ends up buckling under the pressure. But hey, in their defence, bargaining is an art that not everyone is good at, so keep rollin’ ladies!

2. The ‘Show Me This, Show Me That, Show Me Everything’ Shoppers

Picture Credits: Lifestyle Exhibitions

These species of ladies make us feel bad for the poor guys managing the stalls at exhibitions! They go all out with their “Please show me that” and “Do you have some other colour in this”, making the poor exhibitors open their entire collection for them. And if this wasn’t enough, sometimes these ladies don’t even end up buying ANYTHING - not cool aunty jis! 

3. The Window Shoppers Who Are There Just To See What’s New This Time

Picture credits: London Market

These are probably the most chilled out shoppers in the entire shopping area! They don’t have anything particular to buy in mind and they know they’re just there to roam around and see everything that’s trending and new, just strolling around and chillin’ like a villain!

4. The Business Card Collectors

Picture credits: S&S Trunk Shows

These are the aunties we’re sure you all must have come across at least once - the business card collectors! These kinds of aunties have this weird habit of going from one stall to another and asking the people in the stall for their business cards, for no reason at all. Why do they do this? Just why?!

5. The Ones Who’ll Give Unsolicited Advice To Others

Picture credits: London Market

“Beta, why don’t you try that yellow one, it goes better with your skin tone”, “You know, you should go for this, it compliments your size a lot” - um, thank you random stylist aunty for the UNWANTED advice! Here’s a public service announcement - please stop!

6. The Ladies On A Mission AKA The Ones Who Know What They Want

Picture credits: London Market

Oh, these ladies are a godsend! They know exactly what they want, they set their eyes on the target, snap it up and that’s it, they’re done. These ladies are on a mission to get what they want and they get it done as soon as they can. No confusion, no hassle and most importantly - no time wastage.

7. The Clueless Shoppers

Picture credits: London Market

A stark contrast to the kind of aunties mentioned a point above, these kinds are the ones you’d spot with the most uncertain looks on their faces! They really don’t know what they want, which is why they keep drifting from one stall to another and just getting confused about whether they should get the mirror-work kurta, the long skirt or the bandhani saree. We feel for you though - exhibitions can be daunting!

So which of these aunties did you come across this time around?

Published By:

Tashika Tyagi

All things Delhi is what I write about, when I’m not off curled up with a book! ...

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