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Vrinda Bagadia

6 Types Of Fights Like 'How Dare You Shove Me?' & More We All See In The Delhi Metro!

Delhi maybe synonymous with yummy street food and loads of great shopping options but the additional thing that we locals associate it with is the Delhi metro and the fights that happen onboard. While we firmly believe that the metro is a saviour, we also think that sometimes it can be annoying, funny and even a bit difficult to bear with. And to substantiate the same, we’ve curated a list of fights that we’ve all witnessed or have been a part on our usual rides!

1. “Can You Not Stand On My Head? There’s So Much Space, Please Shift!”

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With almost 6 coaches in every train, Delhi Metro has been a blessing when it comes to accommodating the unending population of the capital city, but can we ever be happy? Nah. Even with a train coming every 5 minutes, we CANNOT wait and then curse and fight over lack of space. Come on guys, let’s try to coexist peacefully for once!

2. (On The Phone) “Baby, Listen To Me, You’re Getting It All Wrong!”

Picture Credits: nitin_aggarwalll

And then comes our fave ones, the couple fights over the phone. Come on, we all have enjoyed eavesdropping on people having these massive fights on the phones, playing the blame game or apologising for their reckless drunk behaviour. We’ve had a blast listening to a few of these, have you?

3.  “Dude, If You Don’t Have To Get Down At The Next Station, Then Scooch Over!”

Picture Credits: the_moments_capturer

Just like we have road rules and traffic rules, we also have metro rules, the first one being not standing in front of the gate unless you need to get down because it leads to chaos but do we follow it? Nope and this leads to major fights. People are always in a hurry to board and deboard and with these ones standing right in front of the gate with no intentions to get down, arguments are bound to happen. Stand in the corners guys!

4. “How Dare You Shove Me? Wait Till I See You Outside!”

We all know that Dilliwalas are hot headed and it just takes a microsecond for them to get all furious and when in the metro, all it takes is a li’l push. We get it that it’s always crowded and it’s just normal to bump into people while the train moves but just be prepared for a one-on-one, especially if you push the angry young man!

5. “Can You Please Be In The Queue?”

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Delhiites are not known to be a patient lot, therefore, standing in queues is not a rule that’s often followed here. And when you combine this ill habit with the crowded metro, what we get is a potent mix of chaos, disputes, shoving and what not. We fight, crib and push people in search of some space. Isn’t it easier to just stand in line and avoid all the hassle?

6. “These Millennials Have No Manners Whatsoever!”

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Speaking of fights, we simply CANNOT miss out on the age old ‘aaj kal ke bachche’ wali fights, courtesy all the senior and middle-aged Delhizens who just love to blame the Gen X for everything wrong happening in the world. Don’t get a seat on the metro? Blame the kids. Too much pollution? Blame the youth. Global warming destroying our planet? Blame the youngsters. Getting old? Blame us for that too, sir!

Have you seen all of them? Let us know in the comment section below!

Published By:

Vrinda Bagadia

My relationship with writing is just like reality shows & entertainment - insepa...

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