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Sanchaita Mazumder

5 Humorous TED Talks That Are Sure To Tickle Your Funny Bones

TED Talks is undoubtedly one of the best shows that inspires you and gives you a glimpse into the journey & hardships of the speaker. But sometimes, you need more than inspiration to get you going, especially during these self-quarantine days. We’ve rounded up a list of 5 funny AF TED Talks that will not only motivate you but will make you laugh till your cheeks hurt, so scroll on!

1. This Is What Happens When You Reply To Spam Mails By James Veitch

Picture Credits: jamesveitch

Let’s admit it, our inbox is filled with spam emails, like unclaimed insurance bonds, safe deposit boxes and what not! But, have you ever replied to one? James Veitch narrates his week-long, chucklesome experience with a spammer who offered him a hot deal that will leave you in splits!

Watch It Here |

2. Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator By Tim Urban

Picture Credits: tedxtrento

This guy just cannot get over his habit of keeping things unattended till the last minute, but he also knows that procrastination is bad! In this hysterical talk, he gives you an insight into his YouTube binges and periods of staring out of the window, but he also encourages you to do things before you run out of time!

Watch It Here |

3. The Happy Secret To Better Work By Shawn Achor

Picture Credits: boc_institute

Shawn Achor, the CEO of Good Think Inc, tells you that the key to be more productive is happiness. Everyone out there believes that you can only be happy if you work harder, but is this the case? Or are we thinking about things backwards? Find out everything he has to say about happiness and productivity while making you smile throughout with his Ted Talk!

Watch It Here |

4. Do Schools Kill Creativity? By Sir Ken Robinson

Picture Credits: sirkenrobinson

In this entertaining Ted Talk, Sir Ken Robinson talks about creating an education system that nurtures creativity, and not kill it. He believes that the existing school systems weaken creativity, and how the rethinking of the systems can help acknowledge multiple types of intelligence!

Watch It Here |

5. Anatomy Of A New York Cartoon By Bob Mankoff

Picture Credits: priysinha

1,000+ cartoons are received by The New Yorker every day, but only 17 of them are published. Bob Mankoff, who is a longstanding cartoon editor, gives a high-spirited and insightful talk explaining what works and what doesn’t. If this doesn’t tickle your funny bones, we don’t know what will!

Watch It Here |

Watch these top TED speakers making their point through humour and let us know what y’all think about it!

Published By:

Sanchaita Mazumder

Just a potato girl in a cauliflower world.

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