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40 Delhi Bars Tie Up With The Delhi Police to Prevent Drunk Driving With Powerful Messages & Videos

Drinking and driving is something that everyone should completely avoid, and there are a bunch of service providers that promote booking a cab once you’ve had one too many, instead of driving back yourselves. 

And so 40 bars in Delhi have tied up with the Delhi Police to promote the habit of not drinking and driving!

BarTalk, as the initiative is named, is an attempt to take control of the capital’s rising drunk driving accidents. The initiative will use short videos and messages on LED screens warning people of the dangers of drunk driving and its detrimental consequences. 

About 40 bars in HKV, Connaught Place, Nehru Place and KG Marg have already installed LED screens wherein they’re going to showcase various videos as well as images telling people what a bad idea it is to drink and drive.

Thus what the app does is that it’ll make sure that there are taxis parked outside these prime locations making it easier to catch hold of a taxi then and there.  

Time to be safe and not sorry! 

Sourced Via The Better India 

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So Delhi

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