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Delhi Insider

30 Air-Purifying Devices Shall Be Fitted On Top Of Buses To Clean Delhi's Air

Hola Delhizens! We know you’re pretty stressed about the pollution situation in the city. And it’s not even Diwali yet! What’s gonna happen after that? We know this thought is haunting you as well. But the Ministry For Environment, Forests and Climate Change might have a solution up their sleeves. Keep reading!

Buses To Clean Delhi’s Air? | So the Ministry has recently flagged off five buses that are fitted with a device called Pariyayantra, which will clean the polluted Delhi air. 30 of these devices have been fitted on the roofs of buses on a pilot basis. 

These devices don’t require power to be operated and each of these is as efficient as six room air purifiers! That’s pretty cool, don’t you think? The filters of Pariyayantra can reportedly trap upto 98% of particulate matter (PM) and we really hope this helps solve the pollution crisis. 

Kudos to the innovative initiative!

Sourced Via India Today

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Delhi Insider

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