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Vrinda Bagadia

11 Things Every Mumbaikar Realizes Or Misses When They Shift To Delhi

While all Delhiites have been to Mumbai at least once and absolutely love the place, it isn’t easy to shift bases. And same goes for Mumbaikars, who love Delhi ki chaat but miss a lot of things when they shift to Delhi. Here’s a list of things which we think they’ll realize while living here and you should definitely give it a read!

1. “Delhi Metro Is So Much Better!”

Mumbaikars do have a metro (no, we’re not talking about the local train), but compared to our beloved Delhi Metro, even they know that it’s way better than theirs. With all possible facilities, comfortable travelling, flawless connectivity and what not, there’s simply no competition!  

2. “The House Rents Are So Low, Woohoo!”

While Dilliwalas keep nagging about things being super expensive, Mumbaikars are relieved with the house rents here because they’re much lower than there. Trust us guys, it’s crazy difficult to rent a good place at affordable prices in the film capital of India. So yeah, Mumbai walo, welcome to dilwalon ki Dilli!

3. “Why Are These People Obsessed With Momos?”

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One thing that Mumbai peeps will never understand is the craze for momos amongst us Delhiites. While Mumbaikars may be obsessed with Theo’s chocolate brownies and Juhu ki chaat, Delhizens simply cannot get over momos and it’s good that you guys realise that!  

4. “Can’t These Delhiites Live Without Using BC In Every Sentence!”


A few days in Delhi and all the out-of-towners are like “what’s with this BC thing, man?” because using bhe****d all the time isn’t that common in Mumbai. They’re more used to saying f*** all, while we call it bhasadh, so yeah, get used to our slangs now, dearies!

5. “The Traffic At Least Moves Here, Thanks To The Broad Roads!”

And now comes the good part. While traffic in Delhi may not be any less than that of Mumbai, the roads here are much broader and Mumbaikars love that. They’re happy to see the traffic continuously moving which is a rare sight on Mumbai roads.

6. “I Miss Those Evening Walks At Marine Drive!”

We hate to say it but we do love the beaches and Mumbai definitely beats us there. We may have the never ending lawns to enjoy those stroll in the evenings, but there’s no pleasure greater than walking along the Marine Drive, with tea in one hand and bhel in another. And Mumbaikars obviously miss it once they move to Delhi!

7. “Why Don’t These People Eat Vada Pav?”

We Dilliwalas live to eat (momos and butter chicken be the best), but we don’t really eat vada pavs here, oops! And since it’s the favourite and most popular dish in Mumbai, you guys do  miss them and realise their importance once you shift to Delhi!

8. “Why Are These People SOOO Loud?”

Well, what can we say about this one. We all know Delhi is full of Punjabis and Punjabis are nothing but super loud, energetic and always in the mood to party! So, just in case you think we are a little too loud for your fragile ears to handle, then all we can say is you’ll get used to it, burraaahhh!

9. “Why Are They So Dressed Up, ALL THE TIME?”

This one depends on the area you plan to rent a house in or the places you party at. It is an understood notion that South Delhi peeps are trend setters and are alway in the mood for a ramp walk, but at the same time, North Delhi and West Delhi walas are a little more casual. So, give yourself some time to settle before judging us!

10. “They Have Bungalows Everywhere Here?! Who Are They? SRK?”

Picture Credits: PRIME BUNGALOWS

Just like we said, renting a good place in Mumbai is quite a challenge and so, most of them are surprised to see us Dilliwalas living in big bungalows and flats. To them big fat bungalows are only meant to be owned by celebrities, but little do they know that we Delhiites are no less than celebrities ourselves (just kidding)!

11. “They ACTUALLY Have Winters!!”

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And then comes the best part, Dilli ki sardi! One thing that Mumbai doesn’t have and Delhi folks love to boast about is the winter season. Yass, we absolutely love those cold months, however few they might be, but they’re actually the reason we are in mad love with the city and you’ll fall for it too!

Can you relate to any of these? Let us know in the comments section below!

Published By:

Vrinda Bagadia

My relationship with writing is just like reality shows & entertainment - insepa...

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