Grill Up Some Tandoori Chicken For A Cosy Family Barbeque Night By Folllowing This Recipe
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We Dilli walas totally swear by tandoori chicken. Well, at least most of us non-vegetarians do! So, we just stumbled upon this kickass recipe that will walk you through the method of preparing this sumptuous dish for those barbeque nights!
For The Love Of Kebabs! | Anisa (goes by anisagrams on Instagram) is an award-winning content creator and her feed is flooded with TONS of recipes that she posts regularly. While we were skimming through here Insta feed we couldn’t help but drool over the picture of a deliciously succulent-looking Tandoori Chicken.
Yes, you can actually follow the recipe posted on her feed that can be pretty handy especially now that you’re spending most of your time at home. After all, who can pass up the opportunity to grill some juicy tandoori chicken!
So, do check it out for sure!
Here’s The Recipe |
Skim Through Her Insta Feed |
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Dilli Glutton
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